Insurance Coverage By Kansas Congressional District 2023

Explores the Latest Available Data, From 2022

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, this fact sheet and interactive map detail health insurance coverage for Kansans in 2022 by congressional district and age group. The type of coverage available, demographic factors such as age and income, access to care and personal preference are some of the factors that may lead to differences in health insurance coverage between areas. These differences may indicate an opportunity for improvement. For example, if all congressional districts had the uninsured rate reported for children in the 3rd District (3.3 percent), there would be 13,878 fewer uninsured children in Kansas.

Key Points

  • In 2022, there were 247,070 uninsured Kansans representing 8.6 percent of the population. The uninsured rate varied from a low of 5.2 percent in the 3rd Congressional District to a high of 10.3 percent in both the 2nd and 4th districts. The statewide uninsured rate has decreased from 9.2 percent in 2021 to 8.6 percent in 2022.
  • There were 37,927 uninsured children in Kansas, a statewide rate of 5.2 percent. The 2nd District (6.6 percent) and the 4th District (6.7 percent) exceeded the statewide rate.
  • Three in 10 (31.2 percent) Kansans were covered by public insurance (including Medicare, Medicaid/CHIP, VA health care and other public) in 2022. Public coverage ranged from one-quarter (24.3 percent) of the population in the 3rd District to around a third in other districts (32.1 percent in the 1st District, 35.4 percent in the 2nd District and 33.1 percent in the 4th District).
  • Six in 10 (60.2 percent) Kansans had private insurance (employment-based, military/TRICARE, direct-purchase and other private). While private coverage was 70.5 percent in the 3rd District, it ranged from 54.3 percent to 59.2 percent in other districts.

Explore the status of health insurance coverage across Kansas congressional districts in this interactive map.

Health Insurance Coverage by Age and Congressional District

Kansas Overall

Private Coverage Public Coverage Uninsured
2022 Total Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
2,876,222 1,732,904 60.2% 896,248 31.2% 247,070 8.6%
Age 0-18
730,274 466,272 63.8% 226,075 31.0% 37,927 5.2%
Age 19-64
1,657,703 1,250,662 75.4% 200,106 12.1% 206,935 12.5%
Age 65+
488,245 15,970 3.3% 470,067 96.3% 2,208 0.5%

1st District

Private Coverage Public Coverage Uninsured
2022 Total Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
706,765 418,514 59.2% 227,006 32.1% 61,245 8.7%
Age 0-18
172,757 104,650 60.6% 61,115 35.4% 6,992 4.0%
Age 19-64
409,628 309,462 75.5% 46,150 11.3% 54,016 13.2%
Age 65+
124,380 4,402 3.5% 119,741 96.3% 237 0.2%

2nd District

Private Coverage Public Coverage Uninsured
2022 Total Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
711,255 386,140 54.3% 251,874 35.4% 73,241 10.3%
Age 0-18
187,097 108,797 58.2% 65,982 35.3% 12,318 6.6%
Age 19-64
400,890 273,587 68.2% 67,052 16.7% 60,251 15.0%
Age 65+
123,268 3,756 3.0% 118,840 96.4% 672 0.5%

3rd District

Private Coverage Public Coverage Uninsured
2022 Total Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
735,836 519,085 70.5% 178,522 24.3% 38,229 5.2%
Age 0-18
181,934 144,939 79.7% 31,041 17.1% 5,954 3.3%
Age 19-64
433,520 369,721 85.3% 31,986 7.4% 31,813 7.3%
Age 65+
120,382 4,425 3.7% 115,495 95.9% 462 0.4%

4th District

Private Coverage Public Coverage Uninsured
2022 Total Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
722,366 409,165 56.6% 238,846 33.1% 74,355 10.3%
Age 0-18
188,486 107,886 57.2% 67,937 36.0% 12,663 6.7%
Age 19-64
413,665 297,892 72.0% 54,918 13.3% 60,855 14.7%
Age 65+
120,215 3,387 2.8% 115,991 96.5% 837 0.7%
Note: Civilian non-institutionalized Kansas residents = 2,876,222. Estimates are for residents within the congressional district boundaries of the 118th Congress which are in effect from Jan. 3, 2023 – Jan. 3, 2025. Percentages may not sum to 100 percent due to rounding. Margins of error for combined population subgroups are not available, so statistical tests for significant differences cannot be conducted. Because American Community Survey (ACS) respondents can report more than one type of insurance, KHI utilizes a standard hierarchy of public, private and then uninsured.
Source: Kansas Health Institute analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2022 1-year American Community Survey table B27010, available at

A PDF version of this fact sheet is also available in the Documents & Downloads section.

Using the Interactive Map

About Kansas Health Institute

The Kansas Health Institute supports effective policymaking through nonpartisan research, education and engagement. KHI believes evidence-based information, objective analysis and civil dialogue enable policy leaders to be champions for a healthier Kansas. Established in 1995 with a multiyear grant from the Kansas Health Foundation, KHI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization based in Topeka.

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