Project ECHO Hub
Ad Astra ECHO Hub
Project ECHO® is an innovative “hub and spoke” model designed to create communities of learners by connecting subject matter experts with the target population. It uses multi-point video-conferencing technology, case-based learning, evidence-based and promising practices, and outcomes monitoring. KHI is an ECHO Hub, Ad Astra ECHO.
Our Expertise
Design ECHO series for pressing health issues
Facilitate meetings, including techniques that foster participation and engagement
Develop curriculum
Coordinate meeting logistics
Offer continuing education credits and certificates of attendance
Create actionable summaries for participants
Assemble an expert panel
Conduct evaluation for quality improvement
Provide technical assistance for action planning
Services Offered
Trained and certified by the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI), the Kansas Health Institute (KHI) serves as an ECHO Hub that is committed to addressing the needs of targeted populations by equipping the workforce with the right knowledge, at the right place, at the right time. NNPHI is an ECHO Replication Partner and central hub for public health institutes working to improve public health in the United States.
The ECHO model is uniquely suited to rapidly address and improve several public health challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, health equity and racial justice, through strategic action. The format allows for KHI to strengthen the public health skills and capacity of the workforce across the state by harnessing the expertise and implementing best practices to address complex issues in public health and across health systems.
Ad Astra ECHO Series: Immunizations in Kansas
Immunizations have proven to be a powerful tool in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and safeguarding communities. However, misinformation, misconceptions and disparities in access have led to gaps in vaccination coverage, leaving populations vulnerable to preventable illnesses. Addressing these challenges and promoting informed decision-making about immunizations across all age groups and diverse communities is imperative.
Join us for a series of convenings designed to equip and empower health care professionals, educators and community leaders with accurate vaccine knowledge and practical communication skills to ensure that individuals of all ages and backgrounds can access accurate information and make informed decisions about their health.
The ECHO curriculum will provide a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to understanding different population groups’ unique needs, concerns and vaccination requirements. Health care professionals will receive continuing education unit (CEU) credits for their participation.

Vaping ECHO for Education Pilot Initiative in Kansas

E-Cigarette Prevention and Cessation Among Youth
In collaboration with the Vaping Task Force convened by the Kansas State Board of Education, KHI provides coordination, facilitation and evaluation services to schools across Kansas for a pilot project (2020-2024), which uses the Project ECHO® model to disseminate evidence-based strategies for e-cigarette prevention and cessation among youth. The goal of this pilot program is to apply the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model (WSCC) and use a collaborative blended learning approach to equip critical personnel with e-cigarette cessation resources, tools and techniques. The WSCC model is a student-centered framework developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for addressing health in schools, which calls for greater alignment between the public health and education sectors and emphasizes the importance of evidence-based school policies and practices. Kansas is a pioneer in the field by adapting the ECHO model in middle and high schools across the state. For more information about this program, visit our web page, Evaluation of the Vaping ECHO for Education Pilot Initiative in Kansas. For additional background on the program structure and implementation, read this article in the journal Frontiers: Development and implementation of the ECHO model in a school setting to address youth electronic cigarette use in Kansas: A protocol.
Why KHI?
For more than 25 years, we have developed a deep understanding of Kansas policy issues, systems, opportunities and challenges. With this in mind, we’ve crafted our services to meet the needs of our local, county, state and national partners.

Why KHI?
KHI believes evidence-based information, objective analysis and civil dialogue enable policy leaders to be champions for a healthier Kansas.

Why KHI?
We provide actionable information for decision-makers working to improve the health of Kansans. We collaborate across sectors and jurisdictions to deliver services and products that support effective policymaking.

Get Started Today
Experts at KHI can help you identify opportunities for achieving your policy and program goals.
To learn more about our Process Facilitation services, contact Hina Shah, M.P.H., Senior Analyst and Portfolio Strategist.
Work with KHI
If you would like to explore the possibility of working with KHI, please contact us! We would be happy to discuss possible approaches, timeline and cost.