This year, the topic of health reform will be a part of policymaking discussions and dinner table conversations across the country. The Kansas Health Institute recognizes the importance of providing state-focused details about the federal legislation, and so, throughout the year, will publish a series of briefs reviewing how health reform will impact Kansas.
This brief — the first in a series focusing on how health reform affects Kansans — describes the changes to the options and requirements for acquiring health insurance. The associated resource document provides more in-depth information about concepts discussed in the brief.
Future topics in the series will include examining public health as it’s related to health reform, looking at the changes the legislation makes to the Medicaid program, and discussing cost containment and payment reform.
We value our readers’ feedback, so please let us know if there is a health reform topic of interest to you and your constituents, colleagues or family. We will do our best to address it in upcoming publications.