The Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and Reform (Special Committee) was tasked with analyzing the state’s behavioral health system and developing a strategic effort to modernize it.
To achieve this directive, the Special Committee established three Working Groups: Services and Workforce, System Capacity and Transformation, and Telehealth.
In 2020, the Working Groups reviewed and updated recommendations from five previous collaborative efforts: the Child Welfare System Task Force, the Governor’s Behavioral Health Services Planning Council, the Governor’s Substance Use Disorder Task Force, the Mental Health Task Force and the Crossover Youth Working Groups.
In 2021, The Working Groups revisited recommendations from the 2020 report, and revised, updated, and added to the recommendations as necessary to address topics directed to them by the Special Committee.
In collaboration with the Kansas Legislative Research Department (KLRD) and the Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes, the Kansas Health Institute provided process facilitation and report development for the Working Groups of the Special Committee.