You’re Invited!
We invite you to an event focused on understanding surveys administered to students in Kansas schools. This convening brings together diverse individuals to learn and engage in dynamic conversations with experts, stakeholders and policymakers about youth-related data collection in Kansas, the policies that shape data collection and the real-world applications of youth data on program development. Participants can join roundtable discussions to collaborate, reflect on panel perspectives and develop action steps. Lunch will be provided for those attending in person at the Kansas Health Institute, in Topeka. This event will not cover survey data findings.
Tentative Agenda:
10:00 a.m. Welcome
10:10 a.m. Setting the Stage: Kansas Youth Data and Policies
10:30 a.m. 15-min Video: Understanding Perspectives on Youth Data Collection in Schools
10:45 a.m. Panel Discussion: Youth Data Application
12:00 p.m. Lunch at KHI
12:45 p.m. Panel Discussion: Policy Options
2:00 p.m. Roundtable Discussion/Breakouts
2:45 p.m. Closing Remarks
3:00 p.m. Adjourn