Directions to the Kansas Health Institute
From I-70, take the Eighth Avenue exit (Exit 362C) in downtown Topeka. At the top of the exit ramp, turn west on Eighth Avenue. Go straight for three blocks to Van Buren. The Kansas Health Institute is located at the northeast corner of Eighth Avenue and Van Buren, directly across the street north of the Capitol building.
Entrances to the building are on Eighth Avenue or on Van Buren. Please check in with the receptionist on the first floor.

Metered parking is available to the west and south of the Kansas Health Institute building. Mobile payment now available with the Passport Parking app! Download the app and sign up ahead of time here: Additionally, public parking is available at the Crosby Place parking garage located at 108 SW 8th Avenue, just west of SW 8th & Kansas Avenue for $1.00/hr.