Telehealth Working Group: November 15, 2021
Telehealth Workgroup: New Recommendation Worksheet (Word)
Telehealth Workgroup: New Recommendation Worksheet (PDF)
Telehealth Workgroup: Meeting Notes from 10/20/2021 (PDF)
Telehealth Utilization Rates in Kansas
Telehealth in Kansas During COVID-19: A Status Report (Presentation by Dorothy Hughes, PhD, MHSA, Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health, University of Kansas School of Medicine)
- Telehealth in Kansas During COVID-19 (United Methodist Health Ministry Fund)
- Telehealth is Here to Stay (United Methodist Health Ministry Fund)
- New Poll Finds Kansas Voters Want Telehealth to Stay (United Methodist Health Ministry Fund)
Below are resources to review in advance of the meeting:
- Implications for Telehealth in a Postpandemic Future: Regulatory and Privacy Issues | Law and Medicine | JAMA | JAMA Network
- Roadmap to strengthen global mental health systems to tackle the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic | International Journal of Mental Health Systems
- CCHP Telehealth Payment Parity Fact Sheet
- KHI Telehealth Briefs
- CCHP State Law Review
- 50-State Survey of Telehealth Commercial Insurance Laws (Foley & Lardner LLP, 2021)