2020 Working Groups of the Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and Reform

On June 18, 2020, the Legislative Coordinating Council approved the creation of the Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and appointed Rep. Brenda Landwehr as Chair. The Special Committee is charged with analyzing the state’s behavioral health system “to ensure that both inpatient and outpatient services are accessible in communities, review the capacity of current behavioral health workforce, study the availability and capacity of crisis centers and substance abuse facilities, assess the impact of recent changes to state policies on the treatment of individuals with behavioral needs,” and make recommendations focusing on how Kansas should modernize its behavioral health delivery system. Visit this link for more information about the Special Committee.

The Special Committee created three Working Groups: Finance and Sustainability; Policy and Treatment; and, System Capacity and Transformation. KHI staff are providing administrative and facilitation support to the three Working Groups. For more information on the Working Groups, please contact KHI staff.



Video Archive:  Prior to Oct. 12  |  After Oct. 12

Working Groups

▶ Finance & Sustainability Working Group

▶ Policy & Treatment Working Group

▶ System Capacity & Transformation Working Group

Telehealth Subgroup

Other Working Group Documents